Friday, August 30, 2019


Two of this weekend’s readings address the issue of humility. A text from the book of Sirach says: “Conduct your affairs with humility and you will be loved more than the giver of gifts.”(Sirach 3:17) And in the Gospel, Jesus says: “Everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled and the one who humbles himself shall be exalted.”(Luke 14:11)

A basic definition of humility is: knowing who we are and who we are not.  Think about that a little bit.  Who are you?  Who are you not?

Every day in my morning prayer I get to a point where I say:“Thank you God for loving the total package that I am.”  And then I list a number of my failings that always include: self-centeredness, pride, laziness, anger, jealousy, gluttony, greed etc.

Then I thank God for some good qualities that I have. Those include: a tender heart, a creativity, a desire to be a good disciple, a reflectiveness, a sense of humor, etc. And I end the prayer as I began it: “Thank you God for loving the total package that I am.”
Knowing the total packages that we are and, recognizing that God loves those packages, is about as humble of a prayer that we can make.

Take time to humbly pray: “Thank you God for loving the total package that I am….”

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