Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Today, August 29th, is the feast of ‘The Passion of St. John the Baptist’.  I never noticed that title before.  I always thought it was called the ‘Beheading’ of St. John the Baptist.  But the word ‘Passion’ adds a new dimension.  First of all, the connection to the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ becomes crystal clear.

What’s more, the word ‘Passion’ has a double meaning.  It not only describes the details of John’s suffering and death.  It also describes the strength of John’s commitment, his passion for being honest and faithful no matter what it would cost. He didn’t back down.  John gave his whole life to his calling.

Questions:  What’s the current passion in your life?  What was it when you were 20 or 40?  For what would you be willing to die?

Here's some follow-up to Jesus’ question from last week: “Who do you say that I am?” Annette says: “He is my anchor.” Terri mentions that He’s the one I can “lean on”. Don says: He’s the center of my heart.” Konni calls the Lord: “My Graceland.” And Sheila adds: “He’s my bridge over troubled water.” Thanks for those wonderful responses!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

                              “Who Do You Say that I am?” (Mt. 16:15)
Jesus poses this question to His disciples when He takes them to a remote place for a retreat-like conversation.  Prepare yourself for next weekend’s Gospel by answering Jesus’question: “Who do you say that I am?”

Here are some suggestions to prime the pump. 

Jesus is my safety pin that holds things together when I think they’re going to fall apart.  He is a magnet that draws me close to Him.  He is the core of my being and I am the apple of His eye.  He is the oasis I seek when I feel like I’m in a desert.

Jesus is the potter and I am the clay.  He is the vine and I am a branch.  He is my anchor that keeps me from drifting and drowning.  He is the hub around which my life revolves. He is my compass by day and my north star by night. 

Jesus is my companion on the journey.  He stays with me even when I take detours. He is my Good Shepherd who finds me when I am lost, and He puts me on His shoulders to carry me home.  He is the still point at the end of my journey.

I’d like to hear your descriptions of who Jesus is for you.  Please send them to me at: rjgramza@gmail.com    Thanks!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

                                           Don’t Die Before your Dead

Jesus says: “I came that you might have life and have it to the full.” (Jn 10:10)

Mary was in Home Hospice Care for 7 months before brain cancer took her life.  But she wasn’t worried about it.  She showed no fear.  She never said: “Why me?”  She didn’t complain.  The Hospice Nurses and her family gave her great care.  And her mom and I brought her Communion…food for the journey…nearly every week. 

She died recently. Her breathing was very shallow and her husband knew it wouldn’t be long.  So what did he do?  He got an ice cream bar from the freezer and shared it with Mary.  She ate some of it and so did he. 20 minutes later, she took her last breath. 

Mary didn’t die before she was dead.  She lived her life fully until the end. 

Anxieties, worries, regrets and fears can deaden us.  They disguise the fact that we can’t control everything. They keep us from living the present moment.  And that’s sad.

Doesn’t sharing ice cream with a loved one just before dying sound pretty good?   

What does it mean to live life fully?  What deadens your spirit? What and/or who could help you die with grace? 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

                                                   Hidden Treasures

“The kingdom of God is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all he has and buys that field.” (Mt 13:44)

In his commentary on this parable, Bishop Sklba says that parables are normally about God. And he suggests that this parable may point out that God hides treasures for us to discover.* Where does God bury them?  My guess is that they’re buried in our hearts. 

That helps me explain the recent discovery of some self-love, which was hidden in my heart for as long as I can remember.  Growing up with a negative self-image, led me to a variety of insecurities and ways to put myself down.  With the help of a good spiritual director and some trusted friends, I’ve finally uncovered the treasure of self-love. 

It makes a huge difference.  It clearly affects the way that I love my neighbors.

Are there some treasures hidden in your heart?  What could those treasures be and who could help you find them?  Take some time to think about this…and then…start digging! 

*Bishop Sklba’s commentary is found on page 294 of “Fire Starters”.