Tuesday, January 16, 2018

                                       What’s Your Favorite Name?

In last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus changed Simon’s name to Cephas, which is translated Peter and means ‘the rock’.  Although Peter wasn’t immediately a ‘rock’, he became a rock over time. And I bet ‘rock’ became his favorite name. 

Peter had other names too. For example, He was called ‘son-in-law’ by his mother-in-law, whom Jesus healed. And since Peter brought Jesus to her home, maybe he was her ‘favorite son-in-law’!   He was also called Apostle and Disciple.

By what names are you known?

Besides being called ‘Ron’, I’m also called Father. That name was awkward for me in the beginning.  But I’ve grown into it and now I’m comfortable being ‘Father’. Are there some names you’ve grown into? 

Ok. There’s one other name I guess I should mention. Some friends call me ‘Old Fart’… but don’t tell anybody! And, yes, I’ve become that too.J

In the end, I think my favorite name is: ‘----- -- ---.’ Can you guess what that is?  If you’re right, you could win a prize.  What’s your favorite name? 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

                            National Migration Week – Jan. 7-13, 2018

For nearly 50 years the US Catholic Church has celebrated National Migration Week.  This year’s theme is: “Many Journeys, One Family”. It reminds us that each family has a migration story.  And it calls us to live in solidarity with one another.

Take a few minutes and remember your family’s migration story. 

Immigrants look for safety or better lives for their families.  They face challenges, rejections, and warm welcomes too.    

Are there immigrants in your neighborhood?  Have you met them?

Last fall our Bishops urged Congress ‘to find a durable and permanent solution on behalf of DACA youth’.  Read about it online: USCCB statement on DACA.

In the past our Bishops offered these 4 principles to guide immigration policies:
1.      People have a right to find opportunities in their homelands…
2.      People have a right to migrate to sustain their lives…
3.      A country has the right to regulate its borders and control immigration…
4.      A country should regulate its borders with justice and mercy.

A longstanding Catholic moral teaching calls us to work for the common good of everyone. How hard is it for you/me to fully embrace that teaching?   

Thursday, January 4, 2018


                                        Points to Ponder as We Start a New Year

What were the 2 or 3 biggest blessings you received last year?

Last year, what brought you the most joy? 

What was the biggest mistake you made over the past year?

 On an average day last year, how much time did you take to pray?

What spiritual resolution will you set for yourself this coming year?

Name a particular sin that you want to face and stop in the New Year.

In this first week of the the New Year, name one thing that you’d like to do to make you life a little holier.

Celebrate the New Year by naming 3 things that God has always loved about you.

(Sorry I couldn't figure out how to get rid of the '8.' below this line.  Lord, have mercy on my computer in 2018!)