Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Colonial Park is a route for my morning exercise. It is heavily wooded with a river and some paths running through it.  Last Saturday a deer ambled out of the shrubbery near the water and stood on the path about 20 feet from me.  It cocked its head, looked at me, and then it walked away. 

Psalm 42 popped into my head.  Verse 1 says: “Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God.” It reminded me of Ronald Rohlheiser’s book: The Holy Longing.  He says that we all yearn for God. I know the truth of that.   

But was that what God wanted me to think about?  Or did God hope I would notice the non-threatened response of that deer?  I think that was it. I wish I were more like that deer. When I am threatened, I can easily respond with words/actions that push people away or put them down. I can be very passive aggressive….a thing I don’t like in me.        

Who or what can threaten you?  How do you usually respond?  Can you think of a better way to deal with threats?  What did Jesus do?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

                                                           Notice the Details

I was aiming for Hannibal Missouri. But four hours of traveling down the center of Illinois was totally boring.  Miles of flat, repetitious scenery!  I needed something to keep me awake. So I started looking for details that would interest me. 

Almost immediately I saw feathers flying out of a huge semi. I sped up and realized that most of the feathers were still connected to chickens! Probably more than 1,000 on board.  I thought of the crucial detail of transporting delicious chicken dinners.

Then I saw a billboard advertising an “Adult Store”. So I prayed for people who are addicted to self-destructive things. I saw a car full of people on a family trip. I prayed for them too. I saw details...until I got lost…which forced me to pay attention to other details!!     

Some people say: “The mass is boring”.  If that happens, try focusing on some details.  For example, I like praying for a release ‘from all anxiety’ after the Lord’s Prayer. And I love the words: “The Lord be with you.” And I like making the cross on my forehead, lips and heart when the gospel is read.  Those little details touch me.

Name some details of mass which help you stay engaged even if it’s a bit boring.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

                                               Good Samaritans – We Need Them

The Good Samaritan showed extravagant love to the beaten guy left in a ditch. “He bandaged his wounds…he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn and cared for him.  The next day he gave two days wages to the innkeeper, and said ‘Take care of him and when I return I will repay you whatever more you spend.’” (Lk 10:34-35)  

The Good Samaritan’s overwhelming love is instructive.  It reminds us to be neighbors to others in exactly the same way. 

Good Samaritans come out of the woodwork after big disasters.  Thank God that happens. Flocks of people lined up around the blocks of blood banks the day after the Orlando shootings.  And police officers experienced outpourings of support from the public in light of the officers who were killed in Dallas.  Many good Samaritans.

We need them and we need to be them. 

When have you ‘been in a ditch’ in your life?  Who was a good Samaritan to you? What did he/she do?  Think of someone you really dislike.  Suppose he/she were beaten up and in a ditch.  Could you be a good Samaritan to him/her? Show that person extravagant love?    

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

                                                          What Is Your Mission in Life? 

Jesus sent 72 disciples on a mission. Here is the mission He gave them: “Cure the sick and say ‘the kingdom of God is at hand for you’”(Luke 10:9)  In other words their mission was: Heal people and tell them that God is with them.

Their mission is directly connected to Jesus’ command to love. But He wants them to specifically show love by dealing with people’s concrete issues and reminding them that God is always in their corner and on their side in life.   

Our overall mission is also to love.  But each of us has unique ways of doing that.   

I recently asked some people to describe their mission. One person said: “It’s to help people and share what I can.” A lady said: “It’s to be a good spouse and raise loving children.” A man told me: “It’s to leave this world better than I found it.” A young woman said: “It is to be joyful!” And here’s my mission: To try to see God in everyone and everything each day.

So here’s the question: In 10 words or less, what is your mission in life? When you have an answer, tell someone else what it is.  Saying it aloud makes it so much more real.