Tuesday, June 11, 2019

                                                      Be a Kintsugi Practitioner

Recently I saw a picture of a gorgeous piece of pottery that had golden veins running thru it. The veins of gold were made of a special lacquer, dusted with powdered gold, which mended a broken piece of pottery. 'Kintsugi' is the name of that Japanese art of reconstructing broken pottery pieces. 
It strikes me that Jesus’ mission was to develop a spiritual form of Kintsugi, repairing our broken hearts and wounded souls with the golden seams of His forgiveness and love.
In the end there is a deeper beauty in the broken and mended pottery that we are too. Lots of parents, grandparents and children have learned the art of healing broken hearts and wiping away the tears of those whose who weep.

Think of someone who has mended your heart. Whose words or actions formed the golden seams that glued you together when you've fallen apart? Who loves you without conditions? Whose heart have you recently mended?  Whose soul have you lifted up? 

Healed hearts and souls are always the most beautiful ones. Be a kintsugi practitioner.  

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