Wednesday, December 26, 2018

                                                       Shepherds Represent Us

Every manger scene has some shepherds.  They were the first visitors invited to come and see Jesus, Emmanuel, God-with-us, our Savior.  They are our representatives at the stable.

The shepherds in our mangers appear to be docile and kindly, with at least one of them always carrying a lamb on his shoulders. So we see the shepherds in a positive light. 

But shepherds were seen in a less flattering way during Jesus’ time. They had reputations as rowdy characters who caused a stir when they came to town. They were also thought to dishonest. Local people hid their valuables when the shepherds were around.     

And religious leaders saw them as sinners.  They rarely entered synagogues or the Temple. To be fair, shepherds’ lives didn’t allow much time for religious activity. And it seems that their work left them ‘unclean’ for worship without ritual cleansing. 

So why were the shepherds picked to be the first visitors at the manger? 

Precisely because they were sinners…just like you and me. C. S. Lewis says that “Christmas has no message for people who think they have no sin.  The true message of Christmas comes across when we admit that we are sinners and that we need a Savior.”

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

                                          Mary Our Model  
On this eve of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I remember Mary as our role model. She is a model Steward, Prophetess, Cross-carrier, Disciple and  Ponderer.
Mary, as a model Steward, holds nothing back from God.  She gives her entire self without condition. “I am the handmaid of the Lord…let it be done unto me according to your word.”

Mary is a model Prophetess.  She speaks truth to power. She says: "The Lord has cast the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty.”

Mary is a model Cross-Carrier. Mary faces the doubts of people who suspect her of unfaithfulness. And later she faces the double tragedy of losing her husband and then her son.

Mary is a model Disciple. She remains faithful to her son even when she doesn’t understand Him and His mission. She stands at the foot of the cross. 

Mary is a model Ponderer. She reflects on all that happens and trusts that God is working in everything.  Mary our model, pray for us. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

                                             Vesper Time – A Book Review

Vesper Time is a short book, packed with insights into 5 key areas around the issue of aging. The first chapter deals with memories.  It’s not so much about losing memories as it is to identify the key memories which have led us to become the people we are.

Chapter two raises the subject of Intimacy.  What kind of intimacy really helps us as we age?  How do we maintain relationships that sustain us and keep us connected as we face the future? And, of course, facing it with others is more life-giving than facing it alone.

The third chapter treats the huge issue of diminishment.  What things can’t we do as well as we used to? Can we admit that?  And are there some things that we can actually do better now, in spite of the physical and mental changes we are experiencing? 

And the last 2 chapters deal with acceptance and gratitude. They help us age with hope. They encourage us to see aging not only as a challenge but also as a gift.  The goal is to become loving and grateful people and to avoid the grumpy old men or women syndrome!

I’ve read four or five other books about aging and this one is my favorite.  It’s written by Frank Cunningham and published by Orbis Books, Maryknoll New York.