Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Colonial Park is a route for my morning exercise. It is heavily wooded with a river and some paths running through it.  Last Saturday a deer ambled out of the shrubbery near the water and stood on the path about 20 feet from me.  It cocked its head, looked at me, and then it walked away. 

Psalm 42 popped into my head.  Verse 1 says: “Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God.” It reminded me of Ronald Rohlheiser’s book: The Holy Longing.  He says that we all yearn for God. I know the truth of that.   

But was that what God wanted me to think about?  Or did God hope I would notice the non-threatened response of that deer?  I think that was it. I wish I were more like that deer. When I am threatened, I can easily respond with words/actions that push people away or put them down. I can be very passive aggressive….a thing I don’t like in me.        

Who or what can threaten you?  How do you usually respond?  Can you think of a better way to deal with threats?  What did Jesus do?

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