Turmoiled Hearts
Imagine the turmoil in the Upper Room on the day Jesus rose
from the dead! At first, the disciples didn’t
believe Mary Magdalene or two others who said the same thing. But the news and experiences
grew and everything changed.
The riveting moment had to be when Jesus appeared in that Room
and said: “Peace be with you!” At first
I imagine stunned silence. Then a gasp of amazement and sheer joy.
Jesus’ second “Peace be with you”, must have brought tears
to every turmoiled heart in that place. Hearts aching as they recalled running away,
when Jesus needed them most. So Jesus said again: “Peace be with you”! Then certainly tears flowed and hugs
How often do you have a turmoiled heart? Every day I have minor turmoils in my heart. And
sometimes I have major ones too. Hardly
ever is there a ‘turmoil free zone’ in me.J
When has Jesus said ‘Peace be with you’ to
you? He says it to us at every mass. The words come from another Christ, at the
sign of peace, who looks at us and says:“Peace be with you!” And we, in turn,
are Christ's voice when we say that to someone else.
Be the voice of Christ this week to someone with a turmoiled heart.
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