Tuesday, January 15, 2019

                                                              Who Are You?

When people ask me who I am, I usually tell them my name. And then I probably say that I’m a retired priest.  How do you normally respond to the question: “Who are you?”

Our names, occupations, marital status and the number of children we have (if we have them) are typical ways to describe ourselves.  They are broad strokes that define us.

And, if people want to know a little bit more about us, we’d probably tell them some of our hobbies or the names of the sports teams we root for or maybe we’d even tell them where we go to church.

Question: How many things would we tell people about ourselves before we’d even think of saying that we are children of God?  I know it would sound sooo weird to say that! But isn’t that a pretty core truth about us?   

Now, in my personal interest of wanting to try to appear to be ‘normal’, I won’t suggest that we actually tell that to people whom we’re just meeting…because it would be weird. 

But I think it could help our spiritual lives to remember that we are God’s children whenever we say the Lord’s Prayer…which starts with the words: “Our Father”.     

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