Tuesday, August 7, 2018

                                                             Beetle Poop!

God gave manna to the Jews on their journey to the Promised Land. It came from the excretion of desert beetles which formed cocoons. The morning dew weighed them down and they fell off the bushes to which they were attached. They gathered the cocoons and pounded them into a flour that made very nutritious bread.  Not bad for beetle poop!

Last weekend I mentioned beetle poop in my homily. Afterwards a couple friends told me about a conversation they had about that.  And they were drawn to the idea that sometimes God also works thru the crap in our lives. 
I like that idea.  And I know the truth of it from my own experiences.  Can you think of any examples of that in your life? 

For many years I struggled with the issue of not loving myself.  But little by little that’s changing with God’s help. The result is that I’m gaining a healthier picture of who I am. And an even better result is that now I can even help others deal with similar issues. 

If you can see how God has helped you deal with something crappy in your life, make it a point to tell someone about it.  Maybe God (and you) can help them too. 

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