Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Fr. Jack Kern tells the story of a 6 year old, whose older brother was 8 and had recently received his First Communion.  The brothers looked alike.  So when the 6 year old held out his hand for communion one day, Fr. Jack gave it to him.  Only moments later Fr. Jack realized that it was the 6 year old who had just received his unplanned First Communion!
He talked to the boy afterwards to help him understand something about Communion. So he asked the child if he knew why Jesus gave Himself to us in this holy bread.  The child said “no”.  So Fr. Jack said: “Jesus gives himself to you in this bread because He wants to be your best friend.”  And the child’s spontaneous response was: “WOW!”

I like that explanation about communion.  And the child’s “WOW!” touches me.

What does it mean that Jesus wants to be my best friend? 

It means I can tell Him my secrets and He’ll love me no matter what. And it means that He’s always with me on my journey.  And it also means that He’s my biggest fan! 

What does it mean to you that Jesus wants to be your best friend?    

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