Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Is my guilty conscience catching up to me, or am I a bigger sinner than I used to be? I notice that I’m going to confession more frequently these days. (I have friends who would say that I’ve always been a big sinner…it’s just that I’ve lived in denial for too long!!!) 

Periodically someone tells me that they don’t go to to confession because they don’t know what to confess. They say “I don’t kill anyone and I don’t steal anything, and I’m too old to break the 6th commandment.  So what would I say?”

As a result, confessionals can be pretty lonely places on Saturday afternoons.
Here are some other sins: jealousy, pride, stubbornness, impatience, hypocrisy, talking about the faults of others, gossip, self-centeredness, passive aggressiveness, trying to control others, grumpiness, lying, putting guilt trips on others, judging people harshly, prejudice, feeling sorry for ourselves, putting people down, not doing the good we could have done.

Thanks to a couple Lenten groups for their help in compiling this examination of conscience for us older folks.   

Are there other sins you might add?

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