Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Jesus said: “You are the salt of the earth.  If salt looses its taste…it is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” (Matthew 5:13)

Listen to this.  In Jesus’ day, salt was added to camel and donkey dung to form fuel patties for their cooking ovens.  The salt gave off sparks which kept the fire burning. When the salt lost its ‘sparkiness’.  It was good for nothing but to be shoveled out onto muddy walkways.  Then the ovens were re-stocked with new fuel patties.  

In this light,  Jesus asks us to be sparks. Sparks that energize faith and keep the fire of love burning within and among us.     

Recently I offered a ‘Culver’s challenge at St. Patrick’s Parish.  The question: Who said, ‘God has cast down the mighty and lifted up the lowly?’  Only Elias, a 12 year old server, knew that it was Mary.  His response buoyed me. It left me thinking that our church is in good hands with young people like Elias.  So he was a spark for me.  

Think of a person who recently sparked your faith or who sparks your faith community. How do you spark the fire of God’s love in others?

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