What’s Your Mission?
You may have noticed that recent blog posts have taken a new
turn. In the past, many posts were
reflections on the previous weekend's Gospel.
Now the posts will tend to be a preparation for the coming weekend’s
message. Let me know if this is
helpful or not.
In this weekend’s Gospel, Jesus is determined to go to
Jerusalem…knowing that His mission is to suffer and die there. So Jesus is a ‘man on a mission’! But He did't want to travel alone. So
He sought disciples who would be companions on His journey.
Unfortunately He encountered resistance from the excuses of those would-be
At this point in your life, what is your mission? What does God expect of you? Are you accomplishing it? What excuses do you make for not fulfilling
your mission? Who are your companions on the journey? Pause a bit to think about these things.
Going on a mission is risky business. There’s always the
possibility of failure…and I have known enough of them!
But as Mother Teresa says: “God does not require that we be successful, only
that we be faithful." Lord, help us be faithful
to our mission this week!