Mocking, Denying and Loving
Luke’s Passion story contrasts the treachery of Peter’s
denials and the meanness of the mocking crowd with Jesus’ loving and
compassionate responses.
Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him three times. (Lk
22:31-34) And Peter protested. But in
the end Jesus was right. At the crowing
of the cock, Luke says: “Jesus looked at Peter…and Peter remembered what Jesus
said.” (Lk 22:60b-61) Peter quickly
regretted what he did and “went out and wept bitterly.” (Lk 22:62)
The crowd, the soldiers and the unrepentant thief mocked
Jesus when they shouted “He saved others, now let Him save Himself”. It was a
poisonous atmosphere.
In spite of all that, Jesus healed the High Priest’s slave,
whose ear had been cut off by one of Jesus’ followers. And He prayed for the soldiers
who nailed Him to the cross saying: “Father forgive them, they don’t know what
they’re doing.” And He was moved by the
faith of the repentant thief, promising that he would be with Him in paradise.
When Jesus tells us to ‘follow Him’ I think He wants us to replace poisonous atmospheres with love and compassion too. What a challenge!