Tuesday, March 26, 2019

                                                              Bearing Good Fruit

Lent is a season of repentance.  But what does that mean?  We assume it has something to do with turning away from sin.  But according to the little parable in last Sunday’s Gospel, repentance also has something to do with bearing good fruit.

In fact here’s how I would describe it.  True repentance is bearing good fruit.

True repentance isn’t confessing our sins.  True repentance is transforming our sins into good fruit. For example, if your sin is gossiping and speaking ill of others, the remedy isn’t going to confession. The remedy is to see the good qualities of the people you put down and to affirm those qualities.  That changes the pattern.  So the good fruit of affirmation is a sign of true repentance.

Think of the last time you went to confession.  I’ll bet a $20 Culver’s card that most sins you confessed are the same sins you’ve confessed before.  Why am I so confident?  Because that’s what I always do!! It’s time to change the pattern. and we will do that by bearing good fruit.

Please note: This does not mean that we should stop going to confession.  Confession brings us forgiveness and that is a comforting and valuable grace.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

                                                         Beloved Children of God

Jesus was tempted in the desert immediately following His baptism. We heard that story this past weekend at mass.  In fact we hear different versions of that same story every year on the first Sunday of Lent. 
What empowered Jesus to resist those temptations for 40 days?  I think His resistance came from the voice of His Father at His baptism. His Father said: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”  Jesus’ identity as God’s Beloved Son solidified his resistance to every evil.
By virtue of our own Baptisms we have also become beloved sons and daughters of God. The more we believe that, the stronger will be our resistance to every evil too. 

Unfortunately many of us don’t really believe that we are God’s beloved children. If I ask you to tell me 3 things that God really loves about you, can you do it?

If you can, that’s wonderful.  If you can’t here’s a suggestion.  Ask someone, whom you trust, to tell you what they think God really loves about you. I’ll bet they’ll can come up with a few things pretty quickly.  Listen to them.

Monday, March 4, 2019

                                        Bearing the Cross of Christ

There’s a great ritual for people in RCIA programs during Lent.  It makes bearing the cross of Christ very concrete. On Ash Wednesday Eve, use this ritual to make the Cross a part of you.  

Make the cross on your forehead. It's Christ who strengthens you with this sign of love.

Make the cross on your ears that you may hear the voice of the Lord.

Make the cross on your eyes that you may see the glory of God.

Make the cross on your lips that you may respond to God’s word.

Make the cross over your heart that Christ will dwell within you.

Make the cross on your shoulders that you may bear the yoke of Christ.

Make the cross on your hands that Christ may be made known in your work.

Make the cross on your feet that you may walk in the way of Christ.

Wherever you go, remember you’re covered with crosses. It’s part of you.