Blind Man Sees Better than James and John
In the Gospel two weekends ago, Jesus asked James and John
what they wanted Him to do for them. And
they told Jesus that they wanted to sit on His left and His right when He came
into His Kingdom. What a brash
self-interested request!
“What do you want me to do for you?” is the same question
Jesus asks the blind beggar in last Sunday’s Gospel. And the beggar, Bartimeous, says “I
want to see.” And Jesus responds “Go your way, your faith has saved you.” And not only are his eyes opened but he also sees with eyes of faith. The story ends saying that that “Bartimeous followed Him on the way.”
‘Following Jesus on the way’ is code language implying that
Bartimeous became Jesus' committed follower. So guess where Jesus stops next on the way? It was Jerusalem when Jesus arranged
the ‘Palm Sunday' entrance into the Holy City. So Bartimeous follows Jesus to His dying and rising. What a commitment! (Read Mk 10:51-11:1-2)
How would you respond if Jesus asked you “What do you want
me to do for you?” And what is the hardest thing for you to do as
you follow Jesus 'on the way'?