Repent and Believe the Gospel
On Ash Wednesday, when the ashes are put on our foreheads,
the minister of the ashes can say: “Repent and believe the Gospel”. These words are part of Jesus’ mission statement in the Gospel of Mark. (Mk 1:15)
The Greek word ‘metanoia’ is translated ‘repent’. It means that we are called to face our
sinfulness and to change our minds and our hearts. And the Greek word ‘evangelion’ is
translated ‘Gospel’. And it means ‘good news’.
And, for my part, the best ‘good news’ is that God continually gives us
second chances.
I’ve received ashes on my forehead since I was a baby. And I’m 70 years old now. That means that God has given me 70 Lents to
get things right. And I try. But I always fail. So next year, if I’m still alive, I trust
that He will give me my 71st chance to get it right. Maybe the 71st
chance will be the charmer…but I doubt it!
How many times have you received ashes on your