Wheat and Weeds
A man sows wheat in his field. But an enemy sows weeds in that same field. When the wheat sprouts, umpteen weeds also pop
up. The servants want to pull out the weeds
But the landowner says: “Don’t do that. You’ll also pull out the
wheat. Wait until harvest. Then we’ll separate
the wheat from the weeds.” (Mt.13:24-30)
At harvest, the wheat was stored in barns and the weeds tied
in bundles for burning.
It’s a parable about the mix of people in God’s
Kingdom. The wheat is the group of committed
disciples. The weeds are the rascals who
persistently sin.
Are you the wheat or the weeds?
I’m both. I want to
be kind, but sometimes I’m selfish. I
want to be honest, but sometimes I fib. I want to pray well but then I fall
asleep. What will happen to me?
Here’s my hope. The
grain is in the barn. And the weeds tied
up in bundles for burning. Both of them
had a purpose. The grain was a source of
food. And the weeds provided fuel for
the ovens and kindling for camp fires on chilly nights.