Beautiful Feet
Last weekend I helped out at St. John Paul II Parish in
Milwaukee. Since October 22 is his feast day, there were special readings for
the weekend.
The first reading was from Isaiah 52:7-10. The first
sentence says: “How beautiful the feet…of those who bring good news.” It was an
appropriate text for St. John Paul II, who brought good news to 129 countries
and to many groups of people over the years of his Papacy. In that sense he had very beautiful feet.
Do you have beautiful feet?
My friend, Carlos, is a great travel companion. But sometimes I accuse him of having stinky
feet. (That’s not really true…but I like to tease him.) The truth is, he is a wonderful person who has
a way of picking people up when their spirits are down. When he visits people like that, he brings them good news. So even his ‘stinky feet’ are